"It's impossible.  I have too many expenses.  There's no way I could afford that much insurance."
An HMO is contractually obligated to provide you with medical care; buying life and disability insurance from them simply makes them more interested in keeping you healthy.  While someone with a smaller policy may not interest them as much as a person with a six- or seven-figure potential payoff, every little bit helps.
Are you a charitable person?  Rather than making a monthly or annual payment to your favorite charity, instead buy a separate policy with that money, naming that charity as the beneficiary.
Ask your employer to purchase a policy naming itself as beneficiary.  If you are a valuable employee, should you die suddenly, your employer would need to hire and train a replacement.  Since the policy would not only compensate the employer for such an incident, but also prompt your health insurer to keep you well and active, they might agree.
When you take out a major loan, such as a mortgage, the bank or loan company will often require you to take out a life insurance policy, naming them as the beneficiary.  This would keep them from needing to foreclose the loan if you died; instead, the insurance would pay the balance of the loan.  Now this expense can also help safeguard your health.